Johannes Manjrekar
Johannes Manjrekar grew up mostly in Mysore, Karnataka. His education consisted largely of insect collecting, bird-watching and swimming, supplemented eventually by a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Since 1989, he’s been teaching M.Sc. students in Microbiology and Biotechnology at Baroda’s M.S. University. Apart from haikai, he is very enthusiastic about photography.

Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh is a poet and editor. She writes and teaches haiku, tanka, haibun and renku to children, undergrads and senior citizens. In charge of haiku and other allied short forms of poetry at Katha, I Love Reading Program, Kala is also an external faculty member of the Symbiosis International University Pune since 2012, where she teaches Japanese short forms of poetry to undergrads — a first in her country.
Passionate about taking haiku to everyday spaces, Kala initiated the ‘HaikuWALL India’ project, which has graffiti artists paint haiku on city walls. Starting in 2006, she has organised five haiku festivals in India so far.
Her love for haiku and her many initiatives culminated in the formation of ‘IN Haiku’ in 2013 — bringing Indian haiku poets under one umbrella to
promote, enjoy, and sink deeper into the beauty and intricacies of haiku and allied Japanese short forms of poetry.
In collaboration with artists, musicians, and dancers, Kala has given several readings in public places. She created the ‘Rasika’ form, an eight-verse renku (collaborative linked verses) fashioned after Matsuo Basho’s non-thematic style.
Kala is Editor at Under the Basho (USA); Editor of the Youth Corner, Cattails (USA); Ex-poetry Editor of (Delhi); Editor of Haiku and Short Verses, Muse India (Hyderabad); Deputy Editor-in- Chief, World Haiku Review (UK) and serves on the editorial team of Living Haiku Anthology and Living Senryu Anthology (USA).

Surabhi Singh
Surabhi Singh is a lively young illustrator and designer from Bijnor, with her ideas curled up inside her curly hair. She revels in caricaturing her family and friends. Haiku is her first ever attempt at illustrating for children.
Vidur Jyoti
Vidur Jyoti, a surgeon by training, took to writing at an early stage during his student career and later on diversified into writing short essays and verse which saw him being guided to haiku and related genre. He has a keen interest in philosophy and culture. He regards his professional activities as an opportunity for an insight into life almost a meditational experience to be shared with everyone in verse and prose. His haiku, tanka and other writings appear in some anthologies published from India and abroad.f