One’s Own, Yet Different


Back Cover

This book reads as softly as a lullaby and as provocatively as a stereotype smashing handbook. A good read for younger teens about unfair proscriptions placed on young girls and how to spot and kick them aside, step by step.

“Challenging the prevailing constructs of gender in society, all the stories conclude with open-ended questions that encourage young readers to engage in thinking and have a dialogue within a peer group.” —

“This book gives you the motivation to bring changes in society, however small it may be, so that everyone gets equal rights and opportunities.” — Hindustan Times

Also available in Hindi as Mere Apne Phir Bhi Paraye

Author: Meena Kakodkar
Illustrator: Charutha Reghunath
Series: India Library,  300M Library

ISBN: 978-93-82454-69-4

Book Details




Meena Kakodkar


Charutha Reghunath,

Meena Kakodkar


300M Library

India Library

The Gender Library