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A book that examines the effects of Global Warming and shows young readers many easy ways to help make a difference.

“Here is a series of ‘big’ books that are not really big on  size, but big on ideas, hope, and inspiration.” — The Hindu

“Katha Books has always been a forerunner in value-based reading  collections that not overly moralistic, but deeply fun.” — BookedforLife

Also available in Hindi as  Aayo jane global warming

Author: Geeta Dharmarajan,  Kamala Das,  Libby Hathorn,  Margaret Jull Costa,  Paulo Coelho,  

Illustrators: Tasneem Amiruddin. Vincent Willem van Gogh ,  Aparna Bhandar, Rekha Krishnan,

Photograph: Nandakumar Narasimhan

Edit: Geeta Dharmarajan

ISBN: 978-93-82454-80-9


Book Details




Tasneem Amiruddin. Vincent Willem van Gogh , Aparna Bhandar, Rekha Krishnan,   


Nandakumar Narasimhan


Aparna Bhandari,

Geeta Dharmarajan,

Kamala Das,

Libby Hathorn,

Margaret Jull Costa,

Nandakumar Narasimhan,

Paulo Coelho,

Rekha Krishnan,

Tasneem Amiruddin,

Vincent Willem van Gogh


Thinkbook Series